
I was busy rummaging through some of old note pads looking for nothing in particular when I came across a piece of poetry I'd written a few years ago. That got me thinking : what kind of person was I back? How much have I actually matured? What has this world taught me in the comparatively short space of time that I've been here and am I a better person for it?

It makes for harrowing reading (harrowing in the sense of "What the hell was going through this blokes head when he was writing this?") but reading it and taking stock of where I am now, I'd say things have gone pretty. How many of us can actually say this? I must say that I've been lucky to actually say that things have gone my way in life, but I can't help but imagine all of the others out there can't. How many of us can actually look in the mirror on a daily basis and say "My life's experiences have made me who I am today and I'm proud of it"?

Experience is character building. Every single moment, every single conversation, sight, thought, feeling has built us up to the point where we stand at this very minute. Let's not forget that. And when things happen that seem as if they're going to be the end of your life, take stock. Look back. Think about how that very moment can and will benefit you in the future. Because one day you'll sit back and think to one specific moment in time and say to yourself, "That was the moment that guided me to where I am today."

The Mirror

I saw him again when I awoke
His eyes were full of something...
something I never want to see again
And neither does he.

Sadness was in his eyes
From years of self-infliction.
The pain he never wants to share
that no man alone should bear.

A face worn from all his worry
Digging itself into his soul,
Demons that he just can't bury.
Instead they throw him into a hole.

A mouth that refuses to speak
Truths, words don't come easily.
Vocally challenged to utter simply,
Emotions, they know he's weak.

And as the sun continues to rise
And light begins to catch his eyes
It reflects from mirror to soulless face
and I know I've got wake and live this day.

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Sorry, what?

I've actually had way too much on my mind in the past couple of months to even think of starting to put it to any sort of solid form. It's kinda hard to even think of where to start when there're a million and one things happening in your head. But I guess so is life. There are always a million and one things happening in our lives that, at times, it becomes very difficult to even pick one issue to focus on and hopefully solve.

There are plenty of things that seem to have invaded our lives that we've lost focus. We've lost. We've given in to the everyday race for nothing and we've lost. We've lost the people that we wanted to be. We've lost the our futures, our dreams. We've lost partners because we were chasing others and lost those still. We've lost. We've lost where we wanted to be and who we wanted to be there with. We've lost. But my bookie tells me that there's another race on very soon. They're calling it "The Race to Redemption." This is one of those races that, if you participate and make it to the finish line without straying from your lane, you've won. Because you're only racing against yourself. There's no one else around to try and shove you out of your lane, therefore you'll win. There's no one there to convince you that you're too slow to run in this race, so you'll win. It's just you, your goals and your redemption. We need to find ourselves again. As a people, as a race. We've lost so much but we can still win. It's never too late. We need to start winning again. We need to start remembering all of our dreams and getting them back into focus. We need to start communicating to the people that we've wronged and apologizing. We need to find focus again.

As blurry as everything might seem right now, we need to lay back, close our eyes for a couple of seconds and try finding ourselves. We need to find our focus.

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Yep. It's true. The longer something drags on, the more difficult it becomes to clear your mind of it.

It's as if it sets up shop somewhere in the depths of your mind until you think you've forgotten about it. But then all it takes is a smell to remind you, a song to reignite, a sight that makes you long...

I say this because I'd realised the other day that our senses are under constant bombardment from all sorts of sources that we forget what we're really here for!
To live!

We're so busy with other mundanely unimportant things that we forget about ourselves. We're too worried about what the next person is doing/wearing/listening to that we are oblivious to the opportunities that lay in front of us to better ourselves.

I say this because, I too am guilty of it. When things get hectic I start over-analysing that certain situation and completely forget about the bigger picture which, most of the time, isn't that far in the background. But the longer we sit and dwell on our "failures" and "short-comings", that's when we might as well be dead as humans. It takes a while to be able to climb out of a hole that one digs for themselves in that situation. Trust me, I'd know! The longer you're in that hole, the more resources it's going to take to get you out.

So why don't we, as humans, just try to carry around our own step-ladders and when we think we've fallen into a hole, just whip it out and climb out. And lets try to feel more, shall we?

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We live in a world where the decisions that we make will ultimately mould us to the people we become. I say this because I'm completely appalled by the decisions that some people make. What is it, as a human being, drives some of us to cheat on our partners?
I'm not trying to be all high and mighty about this as if I've never made a mistake before, but it's something that really irks me.

What's the point of entering a relationship if you're just gonna throw it all away because you "thought" with the wrong part of your body?
I've seen people cheat, continuously, on their partners without the least bit of guilt.

I look at dating as the preamble to marriage. If it goes well, why not ask you partner to make it official in front of God? Then, the words that most people seem to take as lightly as a feather these days need to be said, " 'Til death us do part." Those words are huge! They're saying that you're prepared to do anything and live through anything with your chosen partner forever. Yet why do some of us say those words and take them back?

I think relationships should be lived to those ideals. When you commit to someone you should be able to tell them that you're willing to see things through right to the bitter end. Even if you do come across someone that might more attractive than your current partner, try and remember what attracted you to that person in the first place.



That word should still mean something. It isn't something that we just should throw around. You're commiting to someone, something, anything!

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Digital or Analogue?


What makes us tick?

Is it the knowledge of your impending payday? Or is it the knowledge that you're going home to someone special? There might be plenty of reasons as to what drives us as a carbon based life-form, but it's the third of my opening questions that I want to elaborate on by asking another question. Why is that us as humans place so much of ourselves into the hands of someone else?

I've seen people suffer from mental breakdown's after breaking up with someone that were dating for a number of months. Why?
I've seen people contemplate suicide after breaking up with people they dated for a couple of years. Why?
What/who were you before meeting this supposed "perfect" partner? Have we as humans lost our sense of individuality to such an extent that we have to depend on others like a crutch?

Before (whoever happens to be reading this) jumps down my throat with a packet of C4 strapped to themselves, hear me out.
Everyone these days is looking for someone to love and to receive love from. Correct? If not everyone then it's close to it being so. Those that have found this partner to pamper their obviously rapidly degenerating self-esteem claim to be happy. But are they really?
They now have someone to think about for the whole day, someone to text and do all the arbitary things that people in love do. Does that necessarily make them happy?

One thing I've managed to learn about life in the relatively short time that I've been allowed to be here is that the person next to you does not hold the key to your happiness. It is within us all. Some may say that money makes them happy, fine. Show me a person who isn't happy when they've got a bit of cash in the bank. But personal fulfillment has and always will be the number one route to true happiness. Relationship's fade and whither away and all the other person turns out to be (most times) is an extremely sour taste on the tongue.
Yet there are so many things out there that we could be concentrating on other than "being in love." One of those, LIFE! We spend so much of our time worrying about all sorts of other things that we tend to forget to live it.

We really need to start looking after ourselves. Making sure that the current situation we are in is the one that will make us the happiest in the now and in the long run. Let love come find you and make sure that when it does come knocking on your door, you're the happiest you could possibly be.

I can already see what (whoever happens to be reading this) is thinking. I'm a cold, detached and heartless human being. That's fine with me. I'll be happier for longer because I'll find what the universe wants me to have a lot sooner than anyone else will, hopefully (Crosses fingers).
Until that time, I'll live my life to the sound of a ticking clock.

cuukie heart

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Look... It's a spade! *THUNK*

Mind games.

The only kind of "game" that I really suck at! I don't/can't do all of that crap. I've just never seen the point, honestly.

I know that it's managed to become part and parcel of today's living. Especially in that little failed social experiment we all know (and I hate) as flirting. I hate it because I suck at it. Simple. I really just don't understand it.
What's the point of making acute (not cute) signals that I might or might not understand?
I'm talking to a member of the opposite sex that I have never met before... What are my intentions?

I think I've finally realised what my problem is in that regard. I'm too damn honest!
If there's a spade laying on the floor, I will tell you that there's a spade on the floor. I really don't have the energy to use in trying to throw some sugar on the spade and calling it a shovel.

When I meet someone, I really don't want to have to make myself more attractive to them.

This is me. You have met me. Do you like me? If answer = yes, cool. If answer = no, cool. I'm really not phased.

Honesty is one of those virtues that have been lost on mankind for many a year. What's so difficult about it? A lot of people lie to get ahead. Others lie because they have to. Whatever happened to just telling people the truth about anything? And if you think it might offend them, tell them as much. Don't just go around telling everybody their business. It's rude.

But. Why is that when it comes to dating or anything related to the said subject, no one seems to be able to tell the whole truth? I say "whole truth"
because equivocation has become a big part in the dating world as of late.

She asks, "So, what do you do for a living?"
He answers, "Oh, I'm just a Customer Relations Assistant at a well known local establishment."
HE'S A FUCKING BARMAN! HE WANTS TO GET LAID! Don't be too surprised when he's not in the same bed he slept in, mainly the female
who was interested in the big words he used to describe he's imaginary important position's bed. But that's another rant for another day. I really don't have the energy to get into that right now. It drains me just thinking about it.

Sometimes I wish life was like the 1700's where dating didn't exist. Where people met and fell in love. Where life was a little slower and the lives we led were even slower.

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There... I said it!
I'm an aboslute softy. You never would've guessed it, would you?

Well, I am. I buy roses, send late night and early morning texts... All that other soppy stuff that I wouldn't want to list on such a public domain. But I am. It's who I am.
I write poems... Yes, poems. Why? To express how I feel. I can't tell most people how I feel about them, so I write it down instead. It's always been my failsafe. "Can't talk, read this."
Funnily enough, I know a lot of other guys that get as tongue tied as I when confronted with a member of the opposite sex. And, unsurprisingly I might add, they are all like me, writers.

Which leads me to think, is romance really dead? Or has society just scared the romantics into hiding?

I'm not even going to bother lying, I don't know what women want these days. I don't even attempt to pick them up when I go out. I've kinda just left it in the Big Guy's hands. "If it's going to happen, it's going to happen." Of course there's the envitable, "Wake up the next morning with your mates telling you that you spaded the entire pub last night" but I learn to take those with a pinch of salt.

"If I don't remember it, it didn't happen!"

It actually sounds really stupid coming from a guy that acts all macho in front of his mates when he sees an attractive women walk past, but inside I'm thinking, "I'd like to get to know her better. I wonder what her interests are." Lame, I know, but that's just how some things work in this world.

When people say romance is dead, what do they actually mean? Is the virtue of romance no longer there or has our idea of romance in this day and age altered to such a point that we don't even know what the original concept was?

"What are you willing to do for the one you "love"?

Whatever your answer to that is, think about it this way. Whatever it is that you said you are willing to do, would you do it with a gun to your head? I'm guessing most of the answers would be "yes"... But then again think about it this way, would you do it first thing in the morning before you've even brushed your teeth? Ok, maybe first thing after brushing your teeth. :P
Do you really deserve to call yourself someone else's significant other if you aren't willing to do everything for them.

Quick question...

How many men out there hold a door open for a woman to pass? Pull the seat out for their partners when out for dinner? Open car doors so their partners can enter?
See? Lost. NOT dead!

Society is too busy teaching our youth random crap. I remember being taught manners.

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